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When it comes to martial arts, first thing that pops up to your mind is a solid body, strong psychology, high capacity. To reach to this 3 item, an early age training and discipline is required. Generally speaking, families show anxiety and worry when their kids start such sports branches, of course there are many good reasons.
Firstly, as in many sport branches, if the starting age in these sports branches is to be an athlete in this business, then the age is 8 or 10. Children’s motor systems settling, stabilization and mobilization’s kicking in, becomes more feasible with hardening of the bone cartilage tissues. First of all, opinions should be taken from the children who will start this sport, should ask them if they want to do it. Parents should not direct them according to their own will, they should ask the children which sport they want to begin.
Children who are started to play sports at an early age become more self-confident, their character is established and their mental perceptions are more open. He/She will continue his/her life in a healthy way as belonging to a group that is far from bad habits and friendship.
I wish you to stay in health and sports,
Boxing Hall
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